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Creating Equity within the Workplace

Creating Equity within the Workplace

Employers for Change

The aim of Employers for Change is to provide an employer disability information service.

The service empowers employers with all the information and advice needed to hire, employ, manage and retain staff with disabilities.

Employers for Change is a programme of the Open Doors Initiative, funded by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.

Employers for Change

  1. Provides a dedicated service giving advice and information to employers about recruiting and employing people with disabilities
  2. Hosts a central web-based information resource incorporating guidance and a FAQ section
  3. Provides and participates in awareness raising, training and outreach activities, learn more about our training options
  4. Maintains links with employer stakeholders and disability stakeholders
  5. Promotes the positive business case for the employment of people with disabilities
  6. Conducts or facilitates relevant research regarding disability employment

Statistics - All information available in adjacent text contentThere are more than 1 billion people in the world living with some form of disability. This corresponds to about 15% of the world's population. (WHO 2020)

According to the 2022 Census summary report, there are more than 1.1 million people in Ireland living with a disability. Research shows that people with disabilities have far fewer employment opportunities when compared to their non-disabled peers. 

Only 36.5% of people with a disability (aged between 20 and 64) are in employment compared to 72.8% of people without a disability. (CSO 2016)

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The project is supported by

As I Am Chambers Ireland Chime Department of Social Protection ICTU - Irish Congress of Trade Unions Enterprise Ireland IBEC - Irish Business and Employers Confederation IDA Ireland NDA - National Disability Authority Open Doors Initiative SFA - Small Firms Association Walk

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