JobsPlus is an employer incentive which encourages and rewards employers who offer employment opportunities to the long term unemployed including people with disabilities, who are in receipt of jobseekers benefit, jobseekers allowance, disability allowance or blind pension.
Regular cash payments will be made to qualifying employers to offset wage costs where they recruit jobseekers from the live register.
This incentive is designed to encourage employers and businesses to focus their recruitment efforts on those who have been out of work for long periods. The level of payment is increased for the recruitment of those out of work for more than two years.
From the 1st of January 2023 the following rates apply:
- Under 30 years of age, on the live register, in receipt of jobseeker, disability allowance or blind pension and unemployed for at least 104 days in the previous 6 months, or in receipt of Covid Pandemic Unemployment Payment: €7,500 payable over 2 years
- Between 30 and 50 years of age, on the live register, in receipt of jobseeker, disability allowance or blind pension and unemployed for at least 312 days in the previous 18 months: €7,500 payable over 2 years.
- Persons with refugee status and in receipt of a qualifying payment (no qualifying period applies): €7,500 payable over 2 years.
- Former one parent family payment recipients whose youngest child is at least 7 years old and under 14 years old, who transfer to the live register and are now in receipt of Jobseekers Allowance transitional: €7,500 payable over 2 years.
- Jobseekers under 50 years of age, on the live register, in receipt of jobseeker, disability allowance or blind pension and unemployed for at least 936 days in the previous 42 months: €10,000 payable over 2 years.
- Jobseekers over 50 years of age, on the live register, in receipt of jobseeker, disability allowance or blind pension and unemployed for at least 312 days in the previous 18 months: €10,000 payable over 2 years.
- Traveller or person of Roma ethnicity in receipt of a qualifying payment and unemployed for at least 104 days in previous 6 months.
- Persons in receipt of a qualifying payment with a recent criminal record or a history of addiction within the previous five years and unemployed for at least 104 days in previous 6 months.
Jobseekers not in receipt of jobseekers payment and signing for PRSI jobseeker credits will be also be eligible once they are the required number of days on the live register.
How to Apply
Employers should register online here
- This incentive is open to all employers in the private (including commercial semi-state), community, not-for-profit and voluntary sectors.
- In order to qualify an employer must offer full time employment of at least 30 hours per week, spanning at least four days per week to eligible recruits (i.e. that employee must be on payroll and subject to PAYE and PRSI).
- The employer must be a legal entity and/or a charity recognised by the Revenue Commissioners (with a CHY number) and registered with the Revenue Commissioners as a PAYE employer. Other legally recognised forms of business are eligible, including partnerships, sole traders, trusts, and unincorporated bodies provided these are recognised by the Revenue Commissioners and are registered as a PAYE employer.
Jobseekers should register online here
Further information available from your local Intreo Centre or contacting details below.
More Information
- For more information please see the JobsPlus website.