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Disability Awareness Training

Training by Employers for Change. Illustration of a diverse group of people, including one wheelchair user

Appropriate and targeted training is key to improving communications, addressing misconceptions and building a positive environment before or during induction. Employers for Change offers training to businesses located in Ireland free of charge, on a range of topics surrounding disability and employment. The sessions can be either 60 minutes or 75 minutes in length with Q&A. We tailor these to the needs of the organisation and can deliver it online (mostly via Microsoft Teams).

To book a training session for your organisation, or for more information, please contact or by call, text or WhatsApp to 085 1579603.

Disability Awareness / Confidence session

The session aims to equip you with basic knowledge to be more confident and comfortable around the topic of Disability in the workplace and beyond.

Audience: All staff

Topics covered will include:

  1. Disability in the Irish Context
  2. Diversity of Disability
  3. Appropriate Language
  4. Bias
  5. Medical vs Social Model of Disability
  6. Equality and Disability Acts
  7. Reasonable Accommodations and Disclosure

Disability Inclusive Recruitment session

This session focuses on the aspects of disability during the different stages of recruitment and equips you with practical tools for each.

Audience: HR, Talent Acquisition teams, Hiring Managers

Topics covered will include:

  1. Legislation relevant to employment
  2. Reasonable Accommodations
  3. Reasonable Accommodations Passport
  4. Practical tips for the different stages of recruitment:
    • Job specifications
    • Application and Shortlisting
    • Interviews
    • Onboarding

Accessible and Inclusive Communications

This training looks at how we communicate, and the barriers it creates for employees, potential employees and customers.

Audience: HR and anyone working on communications

Topics covered will include:

  1. Understanding Basics of Disability
  2. Barriers to Accessible Communications
  3. Basics of Inclusive Design
  4. Accessible Formats (websites, social media, video communications. PDF, Word, etc)

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