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Further Reading


Getting To Equal: The Disability Inclusion Advantage Research Report.

Deloitte (Australia)

Case Studies: Gaining a competitive advantage with disability inclusion initiatives.

Dept. for Work and Pensions (UK)

Guidance on employing disabled people and people with health conditions.

EU Benchmark Report

The Design Projects research finds on Employment for Deaf Signers in Europe.

Given the Chance (Australia)

Toolkits designed for employers who want to make their workplace culture and human resource practices, more inclusive of diverse groups.

International Labour Organisation

Making workplace inclusive of people with disabilities.

TED talk from Activist Caroline Casey, founder of Ability Awards

Activist Caroline Casey tells the story of her extraordinary life, starting with a revelation. In a talk that challenges perceptions, Casey asks us all to move beyond the limits we may think we have.

US Chamber of Commerce & US Business Leadership Network

Leading Practices on Disability Inclusion

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