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General Information for Employers


Willing Able Mentoring (WAM) programme is a division of AHEAD that focuses on the transition into employment for graduates with disabilities.

More information for Employers.

Arthritis Ireland

Working with arthritis, back pain & related conditions: A guide for employers


Aware offers a suite of workplace wellness programmes to respond to the increased need for mental health awareness and resilience development within the workplace.


The National Charity for Deafness and Hearing Loss offers an array of services to employers and organisations including training and accessibility audits.


If you are a member of CIPD you can log in and access various information on the law relating to disability.

Log in and view here

Disability Federation of Ireland

Disability Federation of Ireland (DFI) is the national support organisation for voluntary disability organisations in Ireland who provide services to people with disabilities. See their employment and disability facts.


The nationwide EmployAbility Service provides an employment support service for people with a health condition, injury, illness or disability.

Click here to get contact details for your local EmployAbility Service

Epilepsy Ireland

Health and Safety Authority (HSA)

This guide has been produced by the Health and Safety Authority (HSA) using guidance and expertise from the National Disability Authority (NDA). It aims to assist employers to provide a healthy and safe workplace for employees with disabilities.

Guide on inclusive health and safety practices


IBEC have detailed how employers comply with Employment Equality legislation and implement best practice in managing a diverse workforce.

Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission

The Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission is Ireland’s national human rights and Equality institution. They are an independent public body that accounts directly to the Oireachtas.

Their purpose is to promote and protect human rights and equality in Ireland and build a culture of respect for human rights, equality and intercultural understanding in the State.

View their 7 Steps towards Human Rights and Equality in the Workplace here.

Irish Wheelchair Association

IWA have an Ability Programme, which provides holistic, person-centred coaching to enable a person to become an independent job-seeker. They offer a number of services to employers within this programme.

MS Ireland

Working out MS in the Workplace: A Practical Toolkit for Employers


NCBI works with employers to outline the adaptations that can be made in the workplace to accommodate people with sight loss, provide information on the grants that are available and to promote the capabilities of people with sight loss in the workplace.

National Learning Network

Hundreds of employers — large and small —across Ireland have benefited from the extremely wide range of skills available from NLN courses and also the experience of offering employer based training places and / or work experience to National Learning Network students.

There are many benefits for employers of hosting National Learning Network work experience placements.

National Disability Authority (NDA)

The National Disability Authority (NDA), as the independent statutory body provides information and advice to the Government on policy and practice relevant to the lives of persons with disabilities.

Their functions include research, developing and collaborating on the development of relevant statistics; assisting in the development of standards; developing codes of practice and monitoring the implementation of standards, codes and employment of persons with disabilities in the public service.

Have a look at the NDA's publications on Employment.


WALK have developed and piloted different innovative supported employment programmes aimed at increasing the rate of employment for people with intellectual disabilities. 

Workplace Relations Commission

The Workplace Relations Commission provides information on industrial relations, rights and obligations under Irish Employment and Equality Legislation, also known as the Equality Tribunal.

You're Hired!

A guide for employers when working with deaf sign language users in Ireland.


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