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Employee Retention Grant Scheme (ERGS)

This scheme assists employers to retain employees who acquire an illness, condition or impairment which impacts on their ability to carry out their job.

Funding can be provided for the following:

  • Identify accommodation and/or training to enable the employee to remain in his/her current position;
  • Re-train the employee so that he/she can take up another position within the company.

How to Apply

The Employee Retention Grant Scheme is open to all companies in the private sector.

The scheme is open to companies where an existing employee, at any level and occupation within the company, acquires an illness, condition or impairment which impacts on his/her current ability to do his/her job.

The scheme is structured in two stages

Stage 1

Facilitates employers by enabling them to buy in external specialist skills and knowledge needed to develop an individualised ‘written retention strategy’ for an employee who acquires a disability.

Funding of 90% for eligible programme costs up to a maximum of €2,500 towards the development of a written retention strategy for any one employee.

The resulting Retention Strategy outlines what the employer needs to do to accommodate, and if necessary train, the employee to remain in his or her existing role.

Stage 2

Provides funding (of 90% of eligible programme costs, up to a maximum of €12,500) to the employer to:

  • train the employee for his or her current position or to retrain him or her for another position within the company;
  • hire a Job Coach to offer support to the employee and liaise with his or her line manager for a maximum period of 300 hours;
  • hire a Specialist to manage the Retention Strategy on an ongoing basis until reintegration is complete for a maximum period of 60 hours.


Completed claim form should be forwarded to your local department office, Intreo office or to the case officer who dealt with your application.

Claim Form: Employee Retention Grant Scheme

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